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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gift Baskets For Kids Are Fun

I have six grandchildren - two girls and four boys. They range in age from nine months to five years and live in Massachusetts, California, and Japan. They are so wonderful, and I'm so happy to have them in my life. It is a challenge finding gifts for them all, however. Sending them on time is a huge headache. Because everything has to be mailed, I try to buy online. And now I've found the perfect place that sells gift baskets for kids with Disney and Nickelodeon themes.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I see what these children have and, well, I don't want to add to their consumer windfall. Nor do I want to give them junk food, violent games, or dangerous products. I like to give gifts that stimulate creativity and independent thinking, and that are fun. That's why these gift baskets are so great for kids.

Please indulge this grandmother while I tell you what I'm sending my grands for their next birthdays. The two babies are too young for these baskets, but in two years I'll know what these children like and I'll send them the perfect baskets.

The three-year-old boys - there are two of them - will each get a Disney Cars School Package. This package includes a book for writing or drawing, folders, pencils, pencil pouch, pencil sharpener, eraser, and ruler. The package also includes a set of markers and pens. And of course, everything is decorated with cars and car themes. That's perfect because these boys, who live halfway around the world from each other, are both nuts about cars.

The five-year-old, a girl, loves Hannah Montana. Her dad's a fan of Hannah Montana also; he thinks she's a good role model. And this website I'm telling you about has so many great Hannah Montana accessories. I'm going to give my girl a Hannah Montana gift basket. It's a Hannah Montana suitcase with stationary, pens, activity books, stamp 'n' roll markers, and a CD. It also has a Hannah Montana diary with pen and lock; that lock is important when you're the oldest of three children.

For the fellow who will be two at his next birthday, I'm going to send a SpongeBob poncho with markers and a SpongeBob Fun Pack. He hasn't formed his own tastes yet, but he's a sweet guy so I think he'll like these.

The gift basket for kids site has other products I like. You can buy small items like pencils, coloring books, and gift bags in bulk (at good discounts) for party favors. The other thing is that you can create your own gift baskets - a little Hannah Montana, a little Dora the Explorer, a SpongeBob towel, and a Mickey Mouse activity kit, for example.

In addition to birthday gifts, you can buy get well baskets, holiday theme baskets, sports baskets, and back-to-school baskets. Each basket is hand wrapped in gift paper. And, none of the items include sweets. There's one thing they're missing, and I'll tell them next time I order: it's Scooby Doo - he's a family favorite. Other than that, the site that sells gift baskets for kids has everything I need to delight my delightful grandchildren.


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