Collection of Clippings: A collection of current job posting could be the most helpful gift an unemployed dad could get. Job ads from local newspapers, or printouts from the internet could be put in a decorative box,and handed to him as a present. This will give him the direction he needs in pursing employment, and get him active in contacting potential employers.
Transportation Services: A big obstacle in finding work is a reliable source of transportation. A gas card for fuel, or monthly bus fare would be helpful gift ideas for the idle father who has a limited means of getting to interviews. Offering a ride or taxi fare would be some other useful ideas that will be of tremendous assistance.
Ticket to Conference: Periodically, speakers take tours to different cities and towns to spread self-improving teachings to the masses. A ticket to one of these motivational conferences would be something to consider giving to the male who is feeling hopeless in his unfortunate occupational circumstances.
Workshops and occupational meetings are recommended venues for job applicants who are interested in networking with potential employers. So it would be a wise decision have the seeker attend as many job-related conventions as possible.
Enrollment Applications: Many a times educational requirements need to be met in order to find stable employment. If the unoccupied parent needs additional schooling to be successful in his hunt accumulating school applications for him would not be a bad idea.
Sometimes he may just need to take some extra courses to improve on his already acquired skills. Giving him the drive to attended continuing education classes would be a valuable gift in itself.
Self-help Books: Times of joblessness should not be seen as a period of utter bleakness. For many this could actually be an opportunity for self-improvement. An insightful self-help book could be the perfect present to give the unemployed dad who enjoys reading, and is open to receiving wisdom from respectable authors.
Gift of Encouragement: Just to keep him encouraged in his job search a gift of good luck would be great idea. You could give him an e-gift card so that he could shop online, or some other kind of shopping experience would help the searching dad relax and take his thoughts off his problems for a while. Time away from his frustrating employment hunt would be healthy for his mind,ego and spirit.
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